Just Showing Up Makes You a Success

Woody Allen famously said that ‘Eighty percent of success is showing up.’ By showing up for that gym class we’re already 80% successful in caring for our physical health. We’re already 80% successful in making friends by showing up to things we are invited to, and 80% already successful in igniting our creativity when we turn up to that weaving/painting/woodwork class.


The same principle should be applied to our mental health too. Consider: what if we are already 80% successful in our journey toward whole hearted living when we turn up for every art therapy, psychology, counselling, yoga, or music therapy (to name just a few).


Show up to every single appointment even when you feel like crap. Show up when you haven’t slept well or when you feel overwhelmed or angry; also show up when you feel great. The consistent and intentional commitment to showing up has you already at success. You have survived the abuse/grief/betrayal, you will survive the therapy. Just keep showing up.

Now pat yourself on the back and say “Well done!”

Rochelle Melville

Rochelle Melville is an art therapist and intentional creative. Rochelle works from Pathways to Expression in Bald Hills facilitating individual and group sessions and is available to facilitate workshops in the community.